Yatva International

YATVA International is a creative lifeline and bridge between developed and developing countries. YATVA International is a movement and business that focuses on ethically supporting and educating others in the creative, Eco, and Vintage sustainability fields.
YATVA International’s goal is to pass it on. We want to pass on our knowledge and experience combined with our urban expertise to those that require it in all circumstances or sectors by creating "YATVA Creative Hubs" globally where the East can meet the West. Sharing is Caring. We want to share, train, support, and exchange ideas that develop people and businesses from all over the world. Create, Network, and Share.
YATVA started in the heart of Yetunde. A heart that beats Nigerian, British, and Dutch. So, it is only natural that YATVA will have an international business starting in Africa. The YATVA brand has operated with this mindset of expanding and educating creatively globally. Noticing the fundamental shift globally especially with technology and in how we contribute and educate creatively, we are investing, researching, and now creating the YATVA Movement.
The YATVA Movement is available to train, educate, and support others in creating their own business. We are funding this with our funds from YATVA International businesses and The YATVA 1000. Be part of the Change!
Click here for our "CROWD FUNDING "
With YATVA's current existing funds and with your help we have begun to create a new future. A future that consists of YATVA “Creative Hubs” worldwide. Starting in Africa, YATVA Creative Hubs will serve, educate, and train in sustainable, eco, and vintage formats.
In 2016 YATVA International started with sustainable no waste and new Made in Africa (M.I.A) Fashion Home and Art. Moving forward we are expanding YATVA Creative Hub to include YATVA Vintage Africa, The African Vegan & Non-Vegan Café & Catering, YATVA Organic & Wellness, YATVA Studio/Entertainment, YATVA Styling, and YATVA Events. Based in Chevron, Lagos, Nigeria, you will find our home & Vintage showroom. A place that restores the old, upcycle/repairs your waste furniture, customizes your clothing, where you can taste great African vegan and non-vegan food, or why buy new when you can hire any of our vintage original and authentic vintage products and services for any of your events.
Let's create at The YATVA Creative Hub Africa. YATVA Africa - Vintage, Sustainability, and Creativity in Africa. IMAGINE YATVA International & YATVA 1000 Movement.